Sheffield LA Case Study

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As part of Sheffield’s overall school improvement strategy the Good to Great programme was designed to lead school transformation and facilitate school – to – school partnership work leading to improvement for pupils.

How the school has used Focus Education

Focus Education has provided consultancy to develop the Good to Great strategy in Sheffield primary schools. The consultant has worked well with the core development group of senior and principal advisers in Sheffield to put together development opportunities for Local Leaders in education, Lead Headteachers and Locality Lead Advisers across the city. His knowledge of the national context and expertise in school improvement combines to provide input of the highest quality. The consultant led our LA-wide launch conference. Following on from the initial work, he has provided training in how to improve teaching and learning from good to outstanding. This work is with a deputy head teacher group in one locality and with a group of head teachers in another. The main focus is on the leadership of learning. The consultant has provided an excellent research background and a range of school improvement planning tools that can be used in school training, conferences, and publications.


What the deputies and headteachers think is that the work is well planned and expertly delivered in an engaging way. The consultant was responsive and flexible – providing increasingly bespoke work as his relationships developed with groups over time. He is knowledgeable and passionate about primary education bringing recent headship experience to add to the overall content.

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