Carrying out a Deep Dive (Download)

by Tim Nelson
Carrying out a Deep Dive (Download)



- Description
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These documents have been written to support subject leaders in evaluating their subject following the 'deep dive' process of the inspection framework. This will not only help subject leaders in developing their understanding of the relative strengths and areas for development, but also help prepare them for the inspection process.

The documents consist of a list of ten questions for each of the six elements of the deep dive process. These are based on questions used during actual inspections. They will enable a subject leader to focus on the key aspects of each element as part of their ongoing monitoring and evaluation. There is also a table to record the response to each question, the supporting evidence and any identified next steps to be incorporated into subject leaders' action planning.

These are really useful documents for subject leaders, especially if a school is likely to be inspected relatively soon.

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Format: Download (Emailed)
Publisher: Focus Education UK Ltd
Published Date: Jan 20

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Carrying out a Deep Dive Bundle
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Carrying out a PSHE Deep Dive
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Carrying out a Religious Education Deep Dive
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Carrying out a Science Deep Dive
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Pages: 16
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