A Year by Year Breakdown of Key Knowledge and Skills' Expectations

by Clive Davies
A Year by Year Breakdown of Key Knowledge and Skills' Expectations


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These booklets aim to support class teachers to know exactly what the expectations, in terms of key knowledge and skills, are for each subject on a year by year basis.

They start by providing a full breakdown for reading, writing and mathematics (these are set out on a termly basis). The writing is supported by key characteristics for the genre of writing to be covered as well as making suggestions about poetry coverage.

For science, the key knowledge and skills are identified taking account of the National Curriculum's yearly programmes of study. Although the National Curriculum provides guidance on a two-yearly basis for working scientifically, the booklets have separated the skills needed for each year so as to enable teachers to have a better understanding of what is expected.

For all non-core subjects, there is a year by year guidance provided. However, for history there may be a need to switch years dependant on what is each school's agreed coverage. To a certain extent, this may also be appropriate in geography. As for other non-core subjects the yearly guidance is likely to be accurate across all schools.

The main aim is to provide teachers with a 'at a glance' understanding for the year group/s they are working with. These could also be used to support parents' understanding of expectations for their child.

+ More Information
Year Group Book £6.50 per book
Year Group eBook £35.00 per year group
All 6 Books £30.00
All 6 eBooks £175

Format: A5 Book
Printing: Black and White
Product Dimensions: 15 x 21 x 0.3cm
Publisher: Focus Education UK Ltd
Published Date: Jan 2020

Year 1
ISBN: 978-1-911416-38-8
Product Reference: YYBKKS1
Pages: 36

Year 2
ISBN: 978-1-911416-39-5
Product Reference: YYBKKS2
Pages: 38

Year 3
ISBN: ISBN: 978-1-911416-40-1
Product Reference: YYBKKS3
Pages: 43

Year 4
ISBN: 978-1-911416-41-8
Product Reference: YYBKKS4
Pages: 45

Year 5
ISBN: 978-1-911416-42-5
Product Reference: YYBKKS5

Year 6
ISBN: 978-1-911416-43-2
Product Reference: YYBKKS6
Pages: 44
+ Sample Pages