subject leadership

Questions to Ask a Subject Leader

Model for a subject leader's answers

Many primary schools ask for a standard list of questions a subject leader could consider, especially before an inspection. There is no standard list of questions to ask a subject leader for use on inspection as it wholly depends on the school’s own self-evaluation, data and identified issues. If a subject leader considers the following model, they will be able to answer questions in all areas.

subject leadership

The questions below may also help a subject leader think through issues.

Standards, Progress & Achievement

  • What proportion of pupils attain at and above age-related expectations?
  • How has this changed as the cohort has moved through the school?
  • What have you done that has had a positive impact on outcomes? How do you know?
  • Which aspect of the subject do the pupils achieve best in?


  • How effective are your assessment arrangements? How accurate are assessments?
  • How do you moderate assessments?
  • What does your tracking tell you?

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • How do you monitor and evaluate?
  • What has your evaluation led to? What has been the impact?
  • How do you get a true picture of what is happening?

Teaching & Learning

  • How effective is teaching & learning in the subject?
  • Which are the strongest/weakest elements?


  • Which aspects of the subject are the strongest?
  • Which aspects most need improving? What are you doing to address this?
  • How do you ensure that basic skills are applied across the curriculum?


  • How effective is your leadership? How can you evidence this?
  • What has been the impact of your leadership?
  • How do you communicate new issues & expectations to colleagues?

Related Resources for Subject Leaders



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