Reading with children in key stage 1

Discussing Reading with Children in Key Stage 1

Discussing Reading with Children 

The starting point for evaluating reading in primary schools is to look at the standards and progress within reading. One of the main ways to address the whole-school approach and progression within reading, is to speak directly to pupils and get an in-depth understanding of the individual pupil’s reading development. Let’s focus on the reading of Key Stage 1 pupils.

When inspectors talk to children about their reading, they will be checking a range of things, including:

  • Their reading level
  • Degree of independence & choice
  • Knowledge of books & authors
  • Decoding strategies (incl. phonically irregular words)
  • Attitudes and enjoyment
  • Support from school & home
  • Comprehension: literal & inferential
  • Higher-order reading skills
  • Awareness of own progress and development as a reader
  • The school’s reading culture & expectations.

talking to children about reading

 Possible questions when talking to children about reading in Key Stage 1

Book Related
  • Who chose this book? Did you choose it yourself, or did someone choose it for you?
  • Have you read it before today, or is it a new book?
  • Did you know anything about it already?
  • Do you know any of the characters/people in this story?
  • What do you do if you get stuck on a word?
  • What point of the word would you look at first?
  • Can you show me what you do?
  • What sound does this letter make? And this one? And this one?
  • what word is that when we put those sounds together?
  • Say the word for me?
  • Why do you think X did that?
  • Why do you think Y happened?
  • What do you think will happen next
  • Do you read to someone in school? How often?
  • Do you read with someone at home?
  • Do you have a reading record/diary? Please may I see it?
  • Do you like this book? Why?
  • What are your favourite sorts of books?
  • What books has your teacher read to the class that you have enjoyed?
  • Do you feel you are a good reader? What’s easy? What’s difficult? How do you think you could get even better as a reader?
  • Do you enjoy reading?

When these questions have been answered, an inspector can address the positive progress made and any challenges faced by the individual pupil. The individual's progress can then be reflected in the ‘bigger picture’ and the whole school approach.


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