Teachers: how to cope with your first day back

Teachers: How to Cope with Your First Day Back: The Checklist.


How to survive your first day back after a fantastic Christmas and New Year.

We understand how hard it is to get to work on a cold January morning and start a new term of teaching. So, here at Focus Education, we have compiled a checklist of things we think will help you settle back into work.

Here is our ‘how to cope’ checklist;

  1. Be prepared – lessons planned, clothes ready, hair brushed, and so on.
  2. Have a long, hot, bubbly bath.
  3. Have a positive mental attitude (it’ll be half term in about 38 days, 5 hours and 31 minutes)
  4. Stock up on paper clips for when you need help holding things together.
  5. Don’t forget your umbrella for lunchtime duty in January, maybe bring your hat, scarf and gloves too…
  6. Have your Focus Education books ready to guide you through the year!
  7. Decorate your bulletin board with fun things to look forward to.
  8. Make a start on those student name tags.
  9. Stock a box of tissues to wipe away any tears… yours and theirs!
  10. Purchase a notebook to write down all the funny things children say.
  11. Decorate your classroom to make life a little more cheerful.
  12. Have the classroom rules ready for the New Year.
  13. And lastly, pretend it isn’t happening. This is all just a bad dream! 



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