Science Vocabulary Overviews

by Alex Neophitou
Science Vocabulary Overviews



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Developing children's vocabulary is a crucial aspect of teaching and learning within schools and education. Developing an understanding of language can open up doors for young minds that they didn't know existed, enabling them to build the cultural capital necessary to succeed and fulfil their potential.

In Science in particular, it is highly important that we expose children across the whole of the Primary age range to key vocabulary that is necessary for development in this subject area. Furthermore, they need to experience the challenging technical language that will help them to articulate their understanding more clearly, concisely and effectively.

In Science, children need to understand key scientific vocabulary to enable them to explain biological, chemical and physical processes and changes, and it is extremely important that the children begin to develop an awareness of the different vocabulary used across each discipling.

This vocabulary overview has been developed with all of this in mind and is split into two sections. The first links directly to the Science units of learning delivered by the Learning Challenge Curriculum so that teachers and children know exactly the language required to be successful. For each year group, there is a set of six key words that should be learned as part of each topic. These six key words are also featured with definitions on the knowledge organisers (available separately) for each unit of learning. Alongside these six key words, is further language that the children could be exposed to as part of the unit of learning, when and where appropriate. The second section looks at language and vocabulary that is more subject specific, and for each year group the words that the children should experience over the course of the year appear here. In Science, this is split into the three different disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics and then further language is taken from 'Working Scientifically' within the National Curriculum. The 'Working Scientifically' vocabulary is broken down into phase specific vocabulary.

This publication has been written to ensure that key vocabulary is highlighted for each unit of learning. It is perfect for teachers to understand and see progression across their year group. As a reference point, it makes it easy to see the vocabulary that children have been exposed to in previous year groups and how your teaching fits in across the rest of the school. For subject leaders, it is ideal for ensuring that necessary vocabulary is clearly set out in a progressive way across their subject and that it is developed and built upon year on year.

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Price: eBook £10.00

Product Reference: SVO-EB
Format: eBook
Pages: 23
Publisher: Focus Education UK Ltd
Published Date: TBC
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