Special Offer Bundle: Leadership

by Focus Education
Special Offer Bundle: Leadership



- Description
This special offer bundle offers you a saving of £21.50 and includes the following Products:

* Self-Evaluation for a new era Book & eBook
* Safeguarding and Child Protection: An Audit for Schools eBook
* Focus Mini: Attendance Champion Toolkit Book
* Preparing for an Ofsted Inspection Book & eBook
* Headteachers Professional Handbook Book

Self-Evaluation for a new era
How familiar are you with the Inspection Framework?
In 2021, the Inspection framework from Ofsted was updated. There were important changes throughout, including to the judgements around the quality of education and early years.
Our popular book takes account of these changes and provides a very comprehensive breakdown of the judgements that will be made against your school. The 486-page resource really takes you into the heart of the inspection framework and helps you understand how judgements are made. You can use the guide to prepare your self-evaluation or you could use it to help create your school improvement plan. Either way, you know you are using the inspection framework to help you to have an agenda of continuous improvement.
This guidance looks at each of the main areas to be judged, including early years. For example, there are 6 main areas being judged for Curriculum Intent and eight for curriculum implementation. It then takes each of the judgements that Ofsted will make and asks probing questions for you to consider when assessing how well you are doing.
For each of the questions there is a description of what the outcome for the question would look like in an outstanding school, a good school, a school requiring improvement and an inadequate school.

Safeguarding and Child Protection: An Audit for Schools
This publication is specifically designed to help school leaders feel confident that their safeguarding systems and processes are robust and compliant. It takes you on a step by step journey through your safeguarding responsibilities, providing simple audits and checklists. You can use it as a complete document or simply dip into the sections that are of most use. The publication will be of use to DSLs, school leaders and governors.
The aim of the publication is twofold: (i) provide reassurance that you have the correct procedures in place; and (ii) guide you to fill any gaps.
The headline content includes:
Key documents
Key policies
Key questions
Safeguarding and child protection audit
Annual report to governors
The role of the DSL
DSL toolkit
Ofsted and Safeguarding
Safer recruitment
Single central record
Auditing e-safety
Once completed, the audits in this publication will assure and ensure that leaders are doing everything they can to keep children safe.

Focus Mini: Attendance Champion Toolkit
This publication has been compiled with attendance champions in mind to support them with the management of attendance in line with recent national expectations.
It considers some very simple things that can be done to ensure barriers are removed to get children into school and provides a comprehensive RAG toolkit to support school's self-assessment of their current position.
There are also a series of internet links that signpost to wider national guidance to support further reading.

The publication includes:
1. Working in partnership
2. Keeping Children Safe in Education (spotting patterns in attendance)
3. Punctuality
4. DfE School attendance guidance (summary of responsibilities)
5. Parent summary
6. RAG rating toolkit for attendance champions

Preparing for an Ofsted Inspection
This book systematically covers the process of inspection from that initial phone conversation through to the final feedback meeting. Typical inspection activities, including lesson observations, are explained. The accompanying checklists, tables and proformas will allow a school to prepare in advance and show their evidence to maximum effect. School leaders will then free up time during the inspection and be able to be more pro-active, rather than spending valuable time locating paperwork and finding evidence during the two days.
The publication is based around the current Ofsted grade descriptors and the accompanying guidance for inspectors.

Headteachers Professional Handbook
The Headteachers Professional Handbook is the perfect companion for headteachers, deputies, advisors, inspectors, and senior management working in primary schools. Combining our two most popular mini publications, we have created one book with sections and dividers for easy access. Everything you need in one small (A5) spiral bound publication.
The National Curriculum section contains the 2014 National Curriculum in a handy and easy to use format. The content for reading, writing and mathematics is outlined not only by year group but also by strand or element. This makes planning for differentiation much easier as you can track an element of the curriculum from one year group to another. Content for foundation subjects is outlined by key stage expectations.
The Ofsted Evaluation Schedule includes the latest changes to the grade descriptors taking into account the removal of the transition arrangements and other changes, ready for inspections in the new academic year, and will be used by inspectors from September 2023.
If you found our popular mini publications 'Progression in the National Curriculum' and 'Ofsted Evaluation Schedule' useful, then this book is perfect for you.
This book has been created following consultation with inspectors and headteachers who felt this would be more useful and user-friendly.

If you have previously purchased the 'Progression in the National Curriculum' and 'Ofsted Evaluation Schedule', please be aware that Headteachers Professional Handbook contains all of the content of both of these books, it is just presented in a more user-friendly and accessible format. Please contact Customer Services if you are unsure whether you already have the books or if you want to check which versions you have.

+ More Information
Self-Evaluation for a new era Book & eBook £105
Safeguarding and Child Protection: An Audit for Schools eBook £35
Focus Mini: Attendance Champion Toolkit Book £6.50
Preparing for an Ofsted Inspection Book & eBook £35
Headteachers Professional Handbook Book £15

Total £196.50
Special Offer Bundle £175
SAVING OF £21.50

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