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The Romans KS2 Knowledge Mat

Subject Specific Vocabulary                                                                            Exciting Books

centurion     A commander of a group of                                                               Important Places
              100 Roman soldiers.
emperor       The Roman emperor was the            Sticky Knowledge about the                        An oval amphitheatre in the
aqueduct      ruler of the Roman Empire                          Romans                              centre of Rome which held
gladiator     during the imperial period.                                                            up to 50,000 people.
                                                ? Julius Caesar was probably the best known          Hadrian’s Wall
              A large system for carrying           Roman leader. He extended the empire through
              water from one place to               invading other lands.                            A long wall built by the romans
              another is called an aqueduct.                                                         across the north of England. It
                                                ? Boudicca was a queen of the British Celtic Iceni   was to keep out the Scots. It is
              A gladiator was an armed              tribe who led an uprising against the occupying  now one of Britain’s most
              combatant who entertained             forces of the Roman Empire.                      famous tourist attraction.
              audiences in the Roman
              Republic.                         ? Rome was created by two brothers, Romulus
                                                    and Remus who were abandoned after they
Londinium     This was the Roman name for           were born.
conquer       London.
                                                ? Romans used to eat food like dormice dipped in
              To overcome and take control          honey.
              of people or land using military
              force.                            ? Romans used to eat food like dormice dipped in
invade        Enter a place or land with the
              intention of occupying it.        ? When the Romans came to Britain they helped
                                                    us by creating roads; a written language (which
Romanisation  When the countries that the           was Latin); introduced coins and even
senate        Romans conquered became               introduced rabbits to our country.
Roman baths   very much like Rome.

              Similar to the Roman version of
              our parliament

              A number of complex of rooms
              designed for bathing, relaxing,
              and socializing, as used in
              ancient Rome.

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