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Ancient Egypt KS2 Knowledge Mat

Subject Specific Vocabulary                                                                                              Egyptian Artefacts

archaeologist People who work out our history by looking                                                                  scarab
                                        at artefacts that have been found.
pharaohs     The word pharaoh originally meant ‘great                             Sticky Egyptian
tombs        house’, but came to mean the person who                                 knowledge                             death
             resided in it                                                                                                 mask
pyramid                                                                     ? Cleopatra was the last pharaoh of
hieroglyphs  Ancient Egypt is known for its magnificent                        Egypt before the Romans took over.           Exciting books
vizier       and beautiful tombs. The most well known
             are within the pyramids in the Valley of the                   ? Tutankhamen was Known as the boy
             Kings                                                             king, famous because his tomb was
                                                                               found in 1922.
             A geometrical term that refers to part of the
             burial complexes for Egyptian pharaohs.                        ? Egyptian men and women wore
             The term hieroglyph refers to the fact that it
             is carving for sacred things, but hieroglyphs                  ? The Egyptians were the first civilization
             were also written on papyrus.                                     to invent writing.

             The vizier in ancient Egypt was the most
             powerful position after that of king. A vizier
             was the equivalent of the modern-day
             prime minister

scribe       A scribe recorded in writing the everyday
             life and extraordinary happenings in
             ancient Egypt.

sarcophagus  Sarcophagus is a Greek word meaning
mummy        flesh-eating and refers to the mummy case.

papyrus      Remains of a body found inside the carved
scarab       and brilliantly painted burial case known as
             a sarcophagus

             An Egyptian plant whose reeds are slit and
             placed in layers in order to form a paper

             Scarabs are amulets formed to look like the
             dung beetle, an animal associated, by the
             ancient Egyptians, with life, rebirth, and the
             sun god Re.

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