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Ancient Greeks KS2 Knowledge Mat

Subject Specific Vocabulary                                                                              Where is Greece?
                                                                                                           Exciting Books
philosophy    Philosophy is a way of thinking about the     Sticky Knowledge about
Athenians     world, the universe, and society.                   Ancient Greece

Spartans      It is the birth place of democracy and        ? The Ancient Greeks invented the theatre
              the heart of the Ancient Greek                    because they loved watching plays,
democracy     civilization.                                     and most cities had a theatre.

Olympics      The Spartans believed that strict             ? Events at the Greek’s Olympics included
              discipline and a tough upbringing was             wrestling, boxing, long jump, javelin,
plague        the secret to making the best soldiers.           discus and chariot racing.
Zeus          Democracy means allowing citizens to          ? The Ancient Greeks held many festivals
loincloth     make their own decisions for their own            in honour of their gods.
              personal lives
Apollo                                                      ? Most Ancient Greeks wore a chiton,
Sacred truce  The ancient Olympic Games were                    which was a long T-shirt made from one
temple        originally a festival, or celebration of and      large piece of cotton. The poor slaves,
              for Zeus                                          however, had to make do with a
              The Plague of Athens was an epidemic
              that devastated the city-state of Athens.

              Is when two fighting sides declare peace
              or a break in the war.

              The supreme god of the Olympians, Zeus
              was the father of Perseus and Heracles.

              A single piece of cloth wrapped round
              the hips, typically worn by men in some
              hot countries as their only garment.

              Apollo is the god of music, truth and

              A special truce called whilst the Olympics
              were taking place.

              A building devoted to the worship of a
              god or gods.

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