Page 13 - Introduction
P. 13

1.2           Staffing

          If you have been promoted within a setting you will be familiar with the staff and their
          responsibilities. If you are new to the school then obviously you are starting with limited

                                                       In either case, it can be useful to ask for a staffing
                                                       list from the school office. You can annotate this to
                                                       build up a picture of colleagues’ experience and
                                                       knowledge that may be useful to you in your role as
                                                       a middle leader.

                                                       If any colleagues have held your role, or a similar

                                                       role, in the past then make a note of this. They
                                                       could be a really useful source of help and support.

          The following pages provide tables that will help you gain a thorough knowledge of
          staffs’ strengths that you might be able to draw upon in your area of leadership and
          use to benefit the pupils.

          For example, you may find that a non-teaching member of staff is a talented
          musician, local history expert or sportsperson. This expert knowledge could be utilised
          by you as the music, history or P.E. subject leader to run demonstrations, improve other
          colleagues subject knowledge or be interviewed by pupils.

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