Assessing Science Knowledge: Summative Assessments for Years 1 to 6 (eBook)

by Clive Davies
Assessing Science Knowledge: Summative Assessments for Years 1 to 6 (eBook)


- Description
These eBooks contain a PDF and PowerPoint version so you can print and alter the assessments as you require. If you require printed only copies please follow the link at the bottom of the page.

Focus has produced Years 1 to 6 summative assessments for science that takes account of the knowledge children are expected to have at the end of each academic year. The assessments are end of year summative assessments. This follows the Education Endowment Foundation's view of not assessing too close to the point of learning. Therefore, the tests take account of long-term memory.

For each age group, the starting point is the respective National Curriculum's programme of study. From the programmes of study, a set of year group expectations have been created. These appear at the beginning of each age group's assessments. They are in reality the key knowledge pupils need to take with them as they move through Key Stages 1 and 2.

The assessments follow these key knowledge statements and pupils have to effectively attain a pass in each section to be deemed to be meeting the national expectations. The marking system, outlined at the end of each year group assessment, shows how many marks pupils need to attain in each section in order to meet the expectation for their age.

The assessments have been created so as to require minimal marking. Pupils are usually required to enter a number, letter or a pre-prepared phrase or word into a space provided. In this way, marking should be straight-forward and not time consuming.

+ More Information
Whole School £95.00
Key Stage 1 £55.00
Key Stage 2 £75.00

Format: eBook
Publisher: Focus Education UK Ltd
Published Date: July 2020

Product Reference: ASK-KS1EB
Pages: 66
Format: 2 Pupil eBooks and 2 Teacher eBooks

Product Reference: ASK-KS2EB
Pages: 164
Format: 4 Pupil eBooks and 4 Teacher eBooks

Product Reference: ASK-WSEB
Pages: 230
Format: 6 Pupil eBooks and 6 Teacher eBooks

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