Author Archives for Jane Thomas

About Jane Thomas

Jane Thomas has been teaching for a number of years in a number of schools across the country. She currently works in the North West and the Inclusion Lead Teacher and Safeguarding Lead. She has been at her present school for the last two years and has been instrumental in challenging inclusive practice. When she joined the school was in a category of Requires Improvement. The school has become a good school and has recently been awarded the Inclusion Quality Mark, Centre of Excellence. The safeguarding procedures at the school are exemplary.

To Be or Not To Be… The INCo?

The Changing Role of SENDCo With the continual changing practice to our education system, the role of SENDCo has changed significantly. Mercifully, no longer is the SENDco role generally allocated to the teacher who couldn’t cope with change or who didn’t teach well, or the staff member who was waiting... View Article

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