Let’s Take a Deep Dive into Early Years
Online Course

Let’s Take a Deep Dive into Early Years

Sarah Quinn

Online: £130.00
Tel: £140.00
+ Course Details

Please ensure you sign into the course 15 minutes before the course starts.

Course start time | 9:30pm

Course end time | 12:00pm


This half day course will support schools in developing their EYFS practice and policy based on the 7 key features of effective EYFS practice outlined in the non-statutory Development Matters.

The seven features are:

  • the best for every child

  • high-quality care

  • curriculum

  • pedagogy

  • assessment

  • self-regulation and executive function

  • partnership with parents


We will use the session to look at the main aspects of good practice and to identify the key methodologies that make your school unique. You will be left with a proforma and examples to help you to draft your own school EY policy.


We will look at whether:

  • Your school has an effective benchmarked curriculum in place which shows progression through EYFS and links into the school’s curriculum.

  • Continuous provision planned and linked to learning intentions.

  • Provision shows there is an appropriate balance of direct teaching, guided and independent learning.

  • Assessment is used purposefully to inform teaching and next steps in learning.

  • Practitioners are clear about what they want children to know and be able to do.


Standards for Teachers’ Professional Development Statement

This course is underpinned by rigorous scholarship and supported by continual development and support. It meets the DfE’s Standards for Teachers’ Professional Development in the following ways:

  • This professional development course has a focus on improving and evaluating pupil outcomes;

  • It is underpinned by robust evidence and expertise, and is clear on intended outcomes and objectives;

  • There is an expectation of collaboration and there will be expert challenge;

  • The course is part of a CPD programme designed to equip staff with the knowledge and skills required to effectively implement within their school, and sustain improvements over time.