Help Learners to Think Using Metacognition

Help Learners to Think Using Metacognition

How can we help learners to think metacognitively and how can thinking metacognitively help in accelerating pupil progress?

Get pupils to:

  • think about the planning, monitoring, and evaluation;
  • talk aloud about how they think they can tackle the task (planning);
  • talk about any adjustments they made as they were doing the task (monitoring);
  • think about how they may do it differently if they started again (evaluating).

Provide learners with a task that they have never or rarely done before.

Helping your learners to think metacognitively

Teaching Tips: Provide your pupils with an activity that will be relatively unfamiliar to them. Help them to think out loud about what they went through. There are three examples set out here for you; each has a set of questions you could use with your pupils.

Example 1: Writing a sentence/ their name with their non-dominant hand

When writing with their non-dominant hand, get the learners to consider:

  • Why am I finding this more difficult than using my dominant hand?
  • Would I be better with practice?
  • If I were to start again, would I find it easier?
  • How are my friends doing?
  • What if I hold the pencil in a different grip?
  • Should I consider moving or tilting the paper?
  • Is it a physical problem I have, or is it in my mind?
  • What do I need to do to speed up?
  • If I was to help someone else, what advice would I give them

Accelerating Pupil Progress

Want to see more on helping learners to think using metacognition?

This is an extract taken from Accelerating Pupil Progress by Applying the Principles of Metacognition by Clive Davies.


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