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Self-Evaluation Document

Many of you may be considering the best way to update your present self-evaluation document. Focus Education has been successful in creating a clear, down-to-earth system linked to the current Ofsted framework. We can help you break the back of your self-evaluation document using our exclusive proforma that is aligned with the new Ofsted framework.

"The school’s self-evaluation process is sharp, focused and accurate. This leads to the setting of appropriate priorities in the school improvement plans."

Ofsted comment on a Focus-produced Self-Evaluation Document

Writing Your Self-Evaluation Document

What we do

We offer a service to help you organise your self-evaluation document. We look at each of the areas outlined in the framework, taking into account the documents you send us, and give you a very good draft. The SEF is now shortened in line with new Ofsted expectations.

Focus Education has created an exclusive proforma, aligned with the new Ofsted framework, to take your information and break it down to the essentials that Ofsted is looking for.

We transfer your information, leaving you with a strong self-evaluation ready for your SLT to review before an inspection.

A one-page summary backed up by supporting information across all six areas will accompany this activity. It is designed to take place away from your school. Our experienced consultants will complete it and send it back to you.

What you need to do

We require copies of the following in order to complete your Self-Evaluation Document:

  • Your latest SEF (no matter what state it is in)
  • Your latest SIP or monitoring visit reports
  • Your latest School Improvement Plan
  • Your latest SAT Results
  • Your latest Ofsted report
  • Anything else you may feel is relevant

You may need to provide specific examples for the SED to better reflect your school. This service costs £350.

If you want to see an anonymised completed SED, ask, and we will provide you with one.


"Thank you so much for this document. I really do appreciate your work on this and how it captures our journey as a school." - Bollinbrook CE Primary School

"I’d just like to say thank you so much for creating this for me. I am delighted with it and it gives me a great platform to tweak. " - Baldersby St James Church of England Primary School

"Thank you for the prompt turnaround with our SEF. This has given us a great starting point that we can build upon and has saved us hours of man time." - John Hunt Primary School

"Thank you very much for this - it is amazing! Also a big thank you to Clive, he has saved me masses of time with this work." - Redlands Primary School

"Thank you very much for this - it is amazing! Saves me masses of time with this work." - Primrose Lane Primary School

"Just got my SEF and I'm absolutely delighted with it. It does exactly what I wanted and captures the essence of the school - it's great! I'm in the process of editing and adding logos to the document and it's very much appreciated, especially in these particular times and the speed of the turnaround. Thank you to all at Focus. - Our Lady and St Joseph School

How to book your Self-Evaluation Document writing service

To book Focus Education to produce your Self-Evaluation Document, get in touch with Linda Davies today. For example questions or bookings, please contact the Consultancy Department on 01457 821811 or email Linda Davies.

Supporting Your Self-Evaluation - Preparing for Ofsted Evaluation

Schools judged 'Good' in their last Ofsted inspection will likely now be facing a Section 8 Inspection; you should expect to be challenged by Ofsted as to why you are still a 'Good' school: Focus Education has seen questions such as 'What is your judgement of your school?'; or, 'What is it that you are most proud of about your school?' being typical.

Preparing for this Section 8 Inspection ideally requires a different format for your self-evaluation document, and Focus Education offers a service to support school leaders with this.

The support available

The Supporting Your Self-Evaluation Service is designed to occur within your school over one day. Working with you and your senior leadership team, Focus Education will help you create a robust document ready to present to Ofsted and support continued school improvement. The service has been very popular with the schools we currently work with, as it provides headteachers with the confidence they need to face the scrutiny of Ofsted and helps them focus on the school’s areas for improvement.

Structuring your self-evaluation

The document created over this day would address the following key areas for Ofsted:

Why are we still good?

What makes us vulnerable?

What are we doing about those vulnerable areas?

Within these areas are sections addressing achievement and progress; teaching, learning and assessment; behaviour and safety; leadership and management; and EYFS.

Prices start from £850.

Scheduling your day

8.00 – 9.30 Your consultant will scrutinise your latest Analyse School Performance (ASP) and other relevant documents.

9.30 – 12.30 Your consultant will work with you, or you and your SLT, to challenge you as to why you are at least 'Good'.

1.00 – 3.30 Your consultant will write up the outcomes from the morning and leave you with your completed SED.

Booking your day

Given the popularity of this service, we recommend enquiring about available dates early to secure your preferred date.

Contact Linda Davies today for anonymised examples, questions or bookings on 01457 821811 or email Linda Davies.