Tackling Disadvantage - A Whole School Perspective
Helping you and your team maximise the impact on outcomes for disadvantaged and vulnerable learners
Online Course

Tackling Disadvantage - A Whole School Perspective

Vanessa Huws Jones

Online: £130.00
Tel: £140.00
+ Course Details

Please ensure that you log on to this Zoom meeting no later than 9:15am for registration.

  • Course start time: 9:30am

  • Course end time: 12:30pm


This half day course is aimed primarily at senior leaders of primary schools who have responsibility for allocating and measuring the impact of pupil premium funding who want to take a fresh look at their current practice or who may be new to role.

The government regularly reviews their guidance on pupil premium funding and holds school leaders and school governing bodies accountable for the impact of pupil premium funding in the following ways:

  • Performance tables, which show the performance of disadvantaged pupils compared with their peers;

  • Requiring schools to publish details online each year of how they are using the pupil premium and the impact it is having on pupil achievement;

  • The Ofsted inspection framework, where inspectors focus on the attainment of pupil groups, particularly, those who attract the pupil premium funding.


The sessions throughout the half-day will provide opportunities for you to consider:

  • Pupil premium funding - maximising the use of this and considering the expectations outlined in the inspection framework.

  • Using the research and evidence to tell us about the progress and gains that disadvantaged pupils can make and considering what the best teaching and learning practice and opportunities look like.

  • School leadership and governance – supporting you in writing your documentation/action planning and evidencing impact.

Benefits of attending the training:

The training will help you consider up to date materials to provide greater clarity about how you identify and support your most vulnerable learners, it will provide you with ideas to add real focus to your self - evaluation and review procedures from a whole school perspective.


Standards for Teachers’ Professional Development Statement

This course is underpinned by rigorous scholarship and supported by continual development and support. It meets the DfE’s Standards for Teachers’ Professional Development in the following ways:

  • This professional development course has a focus on improving and evaluating pupil outcomes;

  • It is underpinned by robust evidence and expertise, and is clear on intended outcomes and objectives;

  • There is an expectation of collaboration and there will be expert challenge;

  • The course is part of a CPD programme designed to equip staff with the knowledge and skills required to effectively implement within their school, and sustain improvements over time.