Maths Knowledge Organisers (eBook)

by Tim Nelson
Maths Knowledge Organisers (eBook)



- Description
These mathematical knowledge organisers have been designed to summarize the key learning for each year group from FS to Year 6. They cover the key mathematical knowledge for each year group from the National Curriculum mathematics programme of study from Year 1 to Year 6 and also a summary for the end of the Foundation Stage.

This will be especially useful for teachers wishing to ensure rapid coverage of 'lost learning' from the Spring and Summer terms 2020 due to Covid-19 and for pupils to help them refer to key concepts and knowledge for the current year and from previous years.

They have been designed to be printed back to back with 2 pages per year group to ensure they are succinct and manageable. As with our popular history and geography knowledge organisers, these organisers can be easily laminated for individuals and for groups in school. They could also be made available to parents to help them support their child at home.

+ More Information
Price: eBook £10.00

Format: eBook
Publisher: Focus Education UK Ltd
Published Date: September 2020

Whole School
Product Reference: KMM
Pages: 7

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+ Sample Pages